

2023-11-16 7:02:05

An absolute horror. Building with 8homes/Mahercorp has been incredibly stressful. Strongly advised against it

I strongly advise against choosing Mahercorp/8homes for your first construction. Our experience was highly stressful and negative. Despite opting for 8homes due to affordability and design layout, the actual building process fell significantly short of expectations.

8homes entered voluntary administration in April 2023, teetering on the brink of liquidation. Construction came to a halt for 5-6 weeks, but payments continued to be deducted from our bank accounts. Following voluntary administration, Mahercorp's only proposed solution was to request an additional 6.5% variation on top of our existing FIXED CONTRACT to proceed with the building. If we refused this Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) meant our house could not be completed by them.

Some of the pre and post-administration experiences we faced included:
- Constructing our "dream home" stretched to 20 months, far beyond the promised 9-month timeline.

- We postponed our wedding due to the unprepared state of our house and we consistently received misinformation about the handover date. We were given four different handover months: November 2022, February 2023, March 2023, and July 2023. We eventually moved in October 2023. We were promised our house would be completed before our wedding which took place in June 2023.

- Regularly visiting the house to seek updates, as the promised weekly updates turned out to be untrue. We had to keep 8homes informed about the actual progress and point out discrepancies where things they claimed were completed were, in fact, unfinished.

- Incurring an additional 6.5% charge on our total contract price despite being in the final stage.

- They attempted to schedule our PCI (Practical Completion Inspection) date before our private inspector could evaluate the house, fearing that the inspector would uncover numerous issues. We insisted that our private inspector assess the house first before confirming the PCI date. This strategy is employed because, at the conclusion of the PCI walkthrough, they ask you to sign a document listing all the issues you've identified in your home. If your private inspector identifies additional or significant issues after the PCI date, they won't be addressed as they were not documented earlier.

- Handover date rescheduled due to missing copper for our heating/cooling unit the day before handover was going to happen. The company was informed about the theft months ago but falsely claimed to have resolved the issue. They had to dismantle a wall, repaint, resand and replaster to install the missing copper which delayed our house by an extra 2-3 weeks. The delayed handover led us to seek emergency rental assistance, resulting in an extra $3,700 out-of-pocket expense. Mahercorp initially agreed to cover this cost but has not reimbursed us for their negligence.

- Rectifying issues in our house felt as difficult as extracting teeth from a nail. The attempt to fix our render, particularly the front of the house, has been undertaken approximately 4-6 times. Unfortunately, with each "attempt" to fix it, they not only fail but also worsen the situation, causing additional damage to the render. Their standards are a complete joke, characterised by extremely low and unacceptable quality.

Now these are just a few of the challenges we encountered during our build with 8homes. I highly advise against choosing this company, especially for your first home. Putting all our savings into a company that lacks empathy and assistance was a significant mistake. They prioritize progress invoices, additional interest rate charges, and staff compensation over customer satisfaction. Save yourself the stress, tears and headache - I wouldn't want anyone to go through the same experience we had with them. SAVE YOURSELF from this ongoing nightmare!!!!!!!!!


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