Отзыв на Foundermade

2024-4-22 21:32:16

Disappointing Experience and Unmet Promises at FounderMade

I joined FounderMade with high hopes of diving into a vibrant community of like-minded founders and accessing a wealth of resources and events that were promised to us at signup. Unfortunately, the reality was a far cry from what was marketed.

Our initial excitement was quickly dampened by a lack of access to the promised community resources. The departure of our original account manager left us without any guidance or support, and our attempts to engage with new managerial staff were met with silence and inaction. Despite numerous attempts to communicate our needs and concerns, it felt as though our voice was lost in the void.

The much-anticipated Innovation Show in LA, which we hoped would redeem our experience, turned out to be underwhelming. It mainly featured service providers more interested in selling their services than fostering genuine business connections. This wasn't the collaborative environment we were sold on.

Moreover, despite having settled our dues based on the agreement with the new account manager, we were still invoiced for services that were never rendered, culminating in a frustrating and fruitless back-and-forth about outstanding payments.

Overall, the lack of support and failure to deliver on promised services not only wasted our time but also our financial resources. This experience has been profoundly disappointing, and I advise fellow entrepreneurs to seek out more reliable platforms that genuinely deliver on their commitments.


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