О компании

The problem The “Parent-Kid-Smartphone” triangle brings negative daily friction to the family. This friction is typically based on the Parent’s perception that the Kid spends way-too-much-time-with-screens. Recently the trend is to equip Kids with Smartphones early in elementary school and Parents are frustrated as they face dozens of questions with no clear answers. Basic questions such as what is the right age to give my Kid a smartphone?... How much screen-time will turn my Kids into Zombies?... and many more are left with no clear-cut answers, thus leaving dozens of millions of Parents in a painful uncertainty which affects their Kids as well. The solution Dynamo eliminates the friction in the Parent-Kid-Smartphone arena by offering seamless solutions based on the many pains and motivations of Parents and Kids in this triangle. We call it “The Dynamo Ecosystem” and we will not rest until it is installed on every “first smartphone” out there.

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