О компании

Emerging Cooking Solutions manufactures and distributes SupaMoto® clean-burning stoves and biomass cooking fuel for low-income urban families in Zambia, improving air conditions and reducing the need for fossil fuels. Emerging Cooking Solutions seeks to serve the 850,000 low-income urban households in Zambia that are in need of a cheaper alternative to charcoal for their cooking needs as well as the 150,000 higher-income households that are in need of a higher-performing alternative to charcoal that is more reliable during power cuts. Emerging Cooking Solutions manufactures and distributes SupaMoto® stoves and densifies waste biomass into fuel pellets, which together create an improved cooking solution that is a cheaper and healthier alternative than charcoal and other fossil fuels. Use of the stove and fuel reduces the incidence of diseases caused by indoor air pollution and strengthens local economics through the use of sustainable fuels.

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