О компании

Land construction company takes pride in producing high-quality civil construction, earthwork construction, infrastructure construction, road, topographic survey, GIS mapping, mining survey, aerial survey and mapping, LIDAR mapping, marine survey, hydrographic survey, bathymetric survey, 3d laser scanning, GPR survey, electrical cables installation, power equipment installation, testing and commissioning, AutoCAD drawings, ArcGIS drawings, and 3d models with a survey solution tailored to the specific needs of your project. Land Construction Company is a highly experienced team of civil engineers, land surveyors, and other construction workers, which is dedicated to putting more detail into your requirement when you need it. LCC is committed to responding to your quotation requests as quickly as possible, most prices are provided within one day or two days. We offer extensive experience in a range of civil, earthwork, road work, land survey & mapping services.

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