О компании

IT-company Parcsis is an application services and web-services provider with core competencies in development, design and support. Founded in 2007, Parcsis has successfully partnered with Supreme Arbitration Court of Russian Federation and top Russian companies in eCommerce, such as anywayanyday.com and renins.com One of the most popular projects is KAD (kad.arbitr.ru) − arbitary card file, which collect data from courts and provides detailed information about courts, judges, participants in disputes and also provides all judicial acts ready to download. Another one project is My arbitr − a service for submission electronic documents to courts. Other projects, which are also related to a jurisprudence, are: rad.arbitr.ru − schedule of courts' case hearing ras.arbitr.ru − all arbitraments presidium.arbitr.ru − online translation of Presidium's meetings docs.arbitr.ru − online legal documents system

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