О компании

Issue 38 is out—our biggest issue ever, with FICTION by Wayne Conti, Colin Fleming, Mary Granfield, Colter Jackson, Elise Juska, Judith Lichtendorf, Douglas Silver, Gregory Spatz, Diane Yatchmenoff, Trevor Creighton, Casey Haymes, NONFICTION by Rachel Fleishman, Phillip Hurst, Helen Sitler, Nance Van Winckel, Brandi Handley, Jeremy Klemin, , Reverie Koniecki, Helena Rho, John Wamsted; POETRY by Kaitlyn Airy, Lauren Hilger, Mark Halliday, Margaret Yapp, Adam Scheffler, Serhiy Zhadan, Regina Derieva and Aleksandr Blok (Translated by Katie Farris and Ilya Kaminsky), David M. Sheridan, Sarah Audsley, Gordon Kippola, Mark DeFoe, Benjamin Aleshire, Carl Phillips, ART by Roycer; a GUEST FOLIO Edited by Christopher Boucher, Tara Isabel Zambrano, Dan Chelotti, Kim Chinquee, Guillermo Stitch; RECOMMENDATIONS by Richard Z. Santos, Erika T. Wurth, Elizabeth Deanna Morris Lakes, Chet’la Sebree,

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